
On 14-15 November 2024 Bielsko-Biała in Poland in cooperation with Culture Action Europe, leader of the Culture and Health platform, will be hosting a two full day conference to examine the potential for culture to support the health and wellbeing of people. Evidence shows that culture and artistic activities contribute to our social, physical and mental health and well-being.

The conference aims to raise awareness about these health benefits and the cost-effectiveness of a comprehensive, inclusive approach to health and social policy across the EU. It will focus on implementation methods in Central-Eastern Europe, using both European and local examples. Through presentations, panels, workshops, and cultural activities, participants will explore evidence-based practices and arts participation as a key health behavior. Attendees will include policy makers and experts from the cultural, health, and social sectors. The conference will also celebrate the launch of the Culture and Health platform supported by the European Union. 

The conference will focus on the following topics:  

  • showcasing the evidence regarding the health and well-being benefits of cultural activities 
  • culture and forcibly displaced people  
  • culture and youth mental health 
  • caring for the helpers (e.g. rescue teams) and carers (medical staff and artists) 

Participation in the conference is free, but registration is required.




For whom is the conference?

Artists and cultural practitioners: artists, curators, and cultural facilitators interested in how their work impacts health and well-being.

Healthcare professionals: medical staff, therapists, psychologists, and others working in health who are interested in the benefits of cultural activities on physical and mental health, including for youth and displaced populations.

Researchers and academics: scholars focused on health, cultural studies, psychology, and public policy who are researching the link between culture, health, and well-being. 

Social workers and carers: individuals who work directly with displaced people, youth, and other vulnerable populations, as well as those involved in mental health or humanitarian aid, who may benefit from the discussions on caring for those providing care (e.g., medical teams, rescue workers, artists).

Policy makers and public officials: decision-makers at both local and EU levels responsible for cultural and health policies who would be interested in new evidence and case studies from Poland and the EU. 

Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international bodies: organizations working in the intersection of culture, health, and wellbeing, especially in the context of displacement, mental health, and support for carers.

Youth workers and educators: those working directly with youth, particularly around mental health and cultural engagement, may find this conference beneficial for learning new strategies and insights.




Arts can contribute in both preventing illnesses and promoting healthy behaviours as well as helping in the management and treatment of illnesses, as outlined by the WHO 2019 report “What is the evidence on the role of the arts in improving health and well-being?”and the “CultureForHealth Report: Culture’s contribution to health and well-being, A report on evidence and policy recommendations for Europe”. 

EU Member States have decided to include in the Council Work Plan for Culture 2023-2026 the topic of “Culture and Health” as one of the areas jointly addressed through the “Open Method of Coordination (OMC)”. The “Culture and Health” OMC group, which comprises representatives from both the Ministries of Culture and the Ministries of Health from interested Member States started its work in February 2024.  

This process is underpinned by the 2023 EU documents on the ‘Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health’ which explicitly refers to the role of culture (see the European Commission's communication, as well as the answer to it by all EU Member States:  the EU Council Conclusions on the Comprehensive Approach to Mental Health.). 





14th of November – Day 1 

Morning session: 

Venue: Polish Theatre Bielsko-Biała 

9:00 - 9:30 Coffee 

9:30 - 9:40 Opening 

9:40 - 11:00 Panel 1: Showcasing evidence on culture’s contribution to health  and wellbeing 

  • Monica Urian, Policy officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Unit D1 – Cultural policy 
  • Nils Fietje, Technical officer, Behavioural and Cultural Insights Unit, WHO Europe 
  • Rarita Zbranca, Programme Director, Cluj Cultural Centre, Romania, Co-author of the CultureForHealth report  
  • Paul Milbank, Government of Jersey – Learnings from the Culture on Prescription in Jersey 
  • Marta Ciesielska, Senior Advisor, Marshal’s Office of the West Pomeranian Region

Moderator: Kornelia Kiss, Head of Research and Development, Culture Action Europe 

11:00 - 11:10 Introducing the Culture and Health Platform, Kornelia Kiss 

11:10 Break 

11:30 - 13:00 Panel 2: Culture for forcibly displaced people + examples

  • Nataliia Martynenko, project coordinator „Culture Helps”, zusa GmbH   
  • Darren Abrahams, trauma therapist and professional musician, representing Musicians without borders 
  • Anna Ochmańska, International Organization for Migration  
  • Viltaute Žemelytė, Red Noses International, Emergency Smiles 

Moderator: Monica Urian, Policy officer, European Commission, Directorate-General for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport, Unit D1 – Cultural policy

13:00 - 14:30 Lunch 

Afternoon session (different locations in Bielsko-Biała): 

14:30 - 16:30 Workshop sessions (There is a limit of 20 places for each workshop, and registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis):  

  1. Music and the Nervous System workshop, Darren Abrahams 
    Explore the profound connection between music and the nervous system. Discover how music influences the same neurological pathways affected by trauma, through a blend of theory, hands-on activities, and real-world examples of innovative projects in this field. 
  2. Breath and movement for managing stress – workshop for carers and helpers, Katarzyna Szewciów (in Polish language)
    The workshop aims to provide caregivers with tools to manage stress through breathing techniques, sound expression, and movement. It promotes relaxation, emotional release, and self-care. Participants will explore ways to process and release stress using breath and movement therapy.
  3. Humor workshop by Red Noses, Anna Wojtkowiak-Williams
    Why humour can be a great tool in hands and minds of the caregivers? How does humour work and how can we use it in the daily work with our beneficiaries? Come and check it yourself! And be prepared to laugh a lot 😉 
  4. Resilience, Grit, Flexibility, Flow - The Mental strength of artists and cultural workers workshop, Heather O'Donnell
    This workshop focuses on cultivable mental strengths that are essential for a sustainable career in artistic and other sectors. We explore aspects of resilience, grit, flexibility and flow: developable personality traits that may sometimes be viewed as antithetical to artistic processes and sensibilities. We will explore how such mental strengths can be integrated into a holistic artistic approach. The workshop will include inputs, self- and group research and the opportunity for discussion. 
  5. Designing and assessing culture and health initiatives, Rarita Zbranca 
    This workshop explores practical steps for designing meaningful culture and health initiatives and assessing their impact. What tools and approaches can we use to measure their effects on participants’ health and well-being?

16.30 - 18.00 Free time 

18:00 - 19:30  Cultural programme 

20:00 Evening party


15th of November – Day 2 


Morning session: 

Venue: Music School Bielsko-Biała

9:00 Coffee 

9:30 - 11:00 Panel 3: Culture for Youth Mental Health + examples. 

  • Ania Olejnik, Czerwone Noski, EmpowerTeens project 
  • Edith Wolf Perez, Arts for Health Austria, presenting the Voices of Culture report on Youth mental health and Culture 
  • Karol Pruciak, actor and dancer
  • Karilė Mozerytė, MO museum, Lithuania

Moderator: Kornelia Kiss 

11:00 Break 

11:30 - 13:00 Panel 4: How do we care about the helpers and carers (medical staff, artists, cultural workers, uniform service)  

  • Heather O'Donnell, TGR The Green Room, gUG  
  • Anna Wojtkowiak-Williams, Artistic Director of Czerwone Noski, Humour workshops 
  • Rafaela Ganga, Liverpool John Moores University 
  • Łukasz Mścisz, Paramedic, Silesian Medical University 
  • Alice Knight-Driver,  Founder of The Drive Project

Moderator: Rarita Zbranca 

13:00 - 13:30 Conference closing by the OMC members of Culture and Health in Poland

  • Natalia Kempa-Paplińska, Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
  • Ministry of Health 

13:30 - 14:30 Lunch and end of the conference programme


*Exact locations in Bielsko-Biała will be provided soon.



The nearest airports are Kraków-Balice (80 km) and Katowice-Pyrzowice (90 km). Shuttle buses will be organized as transport from both airports to Bielsko-Biała for the conference; a detailed schedule will be provided soon. Bielsko-Biała is also well connected by rail to other cities. 


The partner of the conference is Qubus Hotel Bielsko-Biała. If you want to take advantage of a 15% discount on the daily rate at Qubus Hotel Bielsko-Biała, make a reservation by email: Reservation password: Conference Culture for Health, November 14-15. The discount is valid for reservations of at least 2 nights.

If you need assistance or advise with transport or accommodation, write to us: