• Adam Ruśniak

    Deputy to the President of Bielsko-Biała

  • Dr. Małgorzata Zarębska

    Chairwoman of the Education and Culture Committee at Bielsko-Biała City Council

  • dr hab. Eng. Jacek Nowakowski

    Rector of the University of Technology and Humanities in Bielsko-Biała

  • Maciej Chmiel

    Director of the Animated Film Studios in Bielsko-Biała

  • Lesław Werpachowski

    Director of the Regional Cultural Centre in Bielsko-Biała

  • Marek Matlak

    Director of the Historical Museum in Bielsko-Biała

  • Agata Smalcerz

    Director of the BWA Gallery in Bielsko-Biała

  • Małgorzata Chełchowska-Rak

    Director of the M. Koterbska Cultural Centre in Bielsko-Biała

  • Witold Mazurkiewicz

    Director of the Polish Theatre in Bielsko-Biała

  • Jacek Popławski

    Director of the J. Zitzman Banialuka Puppet Theatre

  • Łucja Ruchała

    Director of the Beskid Library in Bielsko-Biała

  • Małgorzata Motyka-Madej

    Acting Director of the City Cultural Centre in Bielsko-Biała

  • Barbara Cybulska-Konsek

    Director of the Stanisław Moniuszko National Music Schools in Bielsko-Biała

  • Szymon Kłusek

    Director of the Julian Fałat National Art School in Bielsko-Biała

  • Jerzy Batycki

    President of the Board of the Association of Theatre Art

  • Inez Baturo

    President of the Photography Centre Foundation

  • Jacek Bożek

    President of the Gaja Club Ecology and Culture Association

  • Magdalena Wojtczak

    President of the Board of the Grodzki Theatre Artistic Association

  • Mirosław Mikuszewsk

    President of the Board of the Bielsko-Biała District Association of Polish Artists and Designers

  • Maciej Bujakowski, PhD

    President of the Bielsko-Biala History Society

  • Jacek Graś

    President of the Board of the Ludzie-Innowacje-Design (People-Innovations-Design) Foundation

  • Aleksandra Jurczak

    President of the Board of the Ballet Art Foundation

  • Marzena Kocurek

    President of the Board of the Zróbmy To (Let’s do this) Foundation

  • Paweł Kotła

    President of the Board of Temida Arts & Business

  • Marcin Filip

    President of the Beskid Local Tourist Organisation

  • Maciej Jeleń

    President of the Board of the Joint Stock Regional Development Agency in Bielsko-Biała

  • Andrzej Kucybała

    Specialist in musical education

  • Iwona Purzycka

    Specialist in exhibitions

  • prof. dr hab. Ewa Chojecka

    Specialist in art history

  • Natasha Pavluchenko

    Specialist in fashion design

  • Zbigniew Michniowski

    Specialist in design

  • Agnieszka Nowak

    President of the management board of the Strefa Kobiet Foundation

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