24 June 2023

First submitted projects

The first open stage of a request call for project concepts relating to the European Capital of Culture 2029 ended on 30 April. The online survey addressed to Bielsko-Biała residents contained 4 questions:

  • the main slogan under which Bielsko-Biała should be promoted in its bid for the ECoC title;
  • special places in the city that are worthy of attention and care;
  • ideas for cultural projects, as well as those of a social nature, and the ones where culture and sport, culture and business, meet);
  • an open question about why we should apply for the title of ECoC 2029.


Perusal and analysis of all applications and consultations with experts was underway, after which the Policy Board would meet with the originators of selected projects to discuss details.

Culture, Ecology and the Young

In the first stage of the selection process we received forty six questionnaires. The projects contained in them included the history of Bielsko industry, tradition and multiculturalism, symbols of the city, its border location, as well as the abundance of nature and proximity to the mountains. Many of the ideas related to young people for whom cultural events mean not only entertainment, but are also a form of self-expression, an opportunity to develop, exchange experiences and create a city of the future.

Responders were particularly keen to promote outdoor activities, making use of the potential of infrastructure, including post-industrial buildings and city centre streets, and the natural assets of our city and its surrounds. Several projects of interdisciplinary festivals also referenced environmental protection, including protection of rivers, which demonstrated how much people care about ecology.

The title of European Capital of Culture would be a great opportunity for Bielsko-Biała and its residents, which is why the Policy Board was very grateful to everyone who submitted their ideas. The next stage of recruitment would take place in May on the website.