24 June 2023

Support from our Twinned City Viennese Partners

A delegation from Vienna visited Bielsko-Biała between 5 and 7 May. The highlight of the visit was the signing of a declaration of support for Bielsko-Biała's candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture 2029.

On 5 May, guests from Vienna were received at City Hall by the President of Bielsko-Biała, Jarosław Klimaszewski. The topic of discussion at this meeting was the shape of future partnership cooperation, as Donaustadt, the largest district in Vienna, has been a twinned city partner of our city since 2009.

Photo. Szymon Gąsowski / Press Department, Bielsko-Biała City Hall
Photo. Szymon Gąsowski / Press Department, Bielsko-Biała City Hall


Declaration of support for our city

The Mayor of Donaustadt, Ernst Nevrivy, and President of Bielsko-Biała, Jarosław Klimaszewski, signed a declaration of support for Bielsko-Biała's candidacy for the title of European Capital of Culture 2029.

The President of Bielsko-Biała, Jarosław Klimaszewski thanked our Viennese twinned city partners for their kind acceptance of the request to support Bielsko-Biała in respect of the title of ECoC 2029.

“When it comes to culture, our city is famous not only in Poland, but also, thanks to our music festivals, all over the world. This is the sort of potential we wish to exploit. We are in the vanguard of Polish cities spending the most on culture per capita. We have two theatres, three concert halls, and we are ready to take on such challenges,” continued the President of Bielsko-Biała when substantiating our chances of success. “All our twinned city partners have responded positively to our appeal for support. Gathering as much support as possible from those around us is part of the application process. The support of our twinned city partners, and especially from a large district of Vienna, will certainly increase our chances.”