20 January 2024

Meeting with project authors

Good news from our last meeting in Książnica Beskidzka. Over 40 people - authors of projects submitted in the second call for ideas for cultural and social projects as part of Bielsko-Biała's efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture 2029 - took part in a discussion on their implementation.

During the meeting, we discussed the current stage of activities, the number of projects in the bidbook, and plans for the future; we talked about finances and the possibility of implementing residents' ideas today and in 2029.

Everyone talked about their project, which gave rise to creative discussions, building a community and combining different visions and topics. And these were various, from board games, crocheting or macrame to modernist architecture.

I never thought that so many creative people wanted to act, noted one of the meeting participants.

There are more meetings ahead of us, in smaller groups. This is just the beginning of creative work that we can't wait to see!