
Instytut Kultury Miejskiej - Miasto Splotów BB2029 PUNKT 11

Institute of Urban Culture - City of Weaves

The City Council of Bielsko-Biała has established a new city institution that will help the city in its efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture in 2029....

Institute of Urban Culture - City of Weaves

The City Council of Bielsko-Biała has established a new city institution that will help the city in its efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture in 2029....

O kulturze ponad granicami BB2029

About culture beyond borders

As part of our efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture 2029, we build international partnerships and engage in study trips of specialists from various fields, enabling...

About culture beyond borders

As part of our efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture 2029, we build international partnerships and engage in study trips of specialists from various fields, enabling...



This beautiful holiday reminds us of the multicultural and multi-religious history of our city. We are talking about the Three Cultures Festival, which takes place periodically at the Cultural Center....


This beautiful holiday reminds us of the multicultural and multi-religious history of our city. We are talking about the Three Cultures Festival, which takes place periodically at the Cultural Center....

Jesteśmy w finale! BB2029 Bielsko-Biała

We are in the finals

Bielsko-Biała's efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture 2029 have brought results. This afternoon we learned that our city has advanced to the second stage of the...

We are in the finals

Bielsko-Biała's efforts to win the title of European Capital of Culture 2029 have brought results. This afternoon we learned that our city has advanced to the second stage of the...

Co nas boli? - spotkanie dla społeczności LGBTQ+

WHAT HURTS US? - meeting for the LGBTQ+ community

On November 27, Punkt 11 once again hosted the LGBTQ+ community. After the first meeting, which was a workshop and focused on inclusive language, there was an invitation to discuss...

WHAT HURTS US? - meeting for the LGBTQ+ community

On November 27, Punkt 11 once again hosted the LGBTQ+ community. After the first meeting, which was a workshop and focused on inclusive language, there was an invitation to discuss...

BB2029 Bielsko-Biała

Record involvement of residents in the ECC!

A record number of 105 projects were submitted by the inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała and its surroundings during the second call for ideas for cultural and social projects as part of...

Record involvement of residents in the ECC!

A record number of 105 projects were submitted by the inhabitants of Bielsko-Biała and its surroundings during the second call for ideas for cultural and social projects as part of...